The Altrix App provides an option for our members to search and choose where and when they want to work. This is one of our great features and provides you with the choice and flexibility you want and have come to enjoy.
Some members choose the ‘allocation on arrival option’ as they prefer a certain date or time to work, over a specific hospital. Having all these options allows you to take back control, working when, where and at the rates you want.
In some of our hospitals however, unforeseen circumstances have arisen whereby some of our members have been asked to move to a ward or department that is not within the members normal area of work. At Altrix our aim is to work collaboratively with our partners to ensure patient care is maintained, which means our members should be readily available to support this.
An example of this is you can be asked to go to Accident and Emergency. If you are sent to A&E, you may be asked to do various duties such as observations, dressings, or administer medication. Please be reassured you would not be expected to carry out skills you were not competent to deliver. For example, you would not be required to work in resus, but if you could take bloods and that was needed, you could do that if you were competent to do so. We understand, however that this may not be what you would do ordinarily, on the ward you were originally booked on.
We have been assured by our hospital partners that whilst these moves are required for a variety of reasons, all our members will only be expected to carry out duties that are within their competence.
We often get asked by members that if asked to move to an area or dept that would usually represent a higher rate of pay, then you should receive this higher rate. The hospitals are clear that they do not pay a higher rate as you will not be performing specific duties for that department. They are clear that you will only be carrying out the same duties as you would in the department you booked in for originally and that you are qualified to do, therefore the pay rate is the same.
It is important that when you arrive on the ward, that you share your experience with the nurse in charge. This helps the skill mix of the team and facilitates the appropriate allocation within the team, suitable for you.
We are here to support you and want you to always have the best experience whilst on your shift. If you have any concerns or questions, please discuss with your consultant who can refer you to our Clinical Governance team with any issues you may have.